The name of the organization shall be the California Association of Colleges of Nursing (CACN), herein after referred to as the "Association".
- Mission: To lead in advancing California baccalaureate and graduate nursing education.
- Vision: The voice of California Baccalaureate and Graduate Nursing Education.
There are three types of membership in CACN-- Institutional, Affiliate and Adjunct. While the officially designated Institutional Member from each nursing program is the official voting member, all members are highly encouraged to participate in discussions and serve on committees.
- Institutional Members:
Institutional Membership is offered to California colleges/schools of nursing providing baccalaureate or higher degrees who are institutionally accredited and who hold professional nursing accreditation (e.g., CCNE, CNEA, ACEN). The official Institutional member with voting privileges and formally representing the nursing program is the Dean/Director. Each college/school has only one vote. The Dean/Director may delegate voting or representative privileges to an Associate or Assistant Dean/Director when necessary.
By virtue of formally being employed and paid by a California college/school of nursing, all faculty and nurses in administrative positions are considered as Institutional Members and will enjoy the benefits of full institutional membership (except for voting). Each year (or sooner if necessary) all colleges/schools will be asked to verify the employment of their faculty and administrative staff who are nurses that have applied for institutional membership.
- Affiliate Membership:
Affiliate members are Deans/Directors of nursing programs:
- Offering baccalaureate or higher degree nursing programs in California which are in the formation stages with intent of seeking accreditation
- Higher degree nursing programs whose parent institutions are chartered in other states, but which offer programs within California
- Out-of-state nursing programs interested in partnering with CACN.
- Adjunct Membership:
Adjunct Membership is offered to designees of nursing and/or healthcare groups, associations or entities that directly impact the work of the Association or who collaborate with the Association on key issues. Such entities include but are not limited to the: American Nurses' Association\California, California Organization of Associate Degree Nursing Programs, Chancellors’ office representatives of the University of California or California State University systems, the Board of Registered Nursing and any other organizational entity approved by Board of Directors (Board).
- The fiscal year shall be October 1 to September 30.
- Dues shall be paid by members in all membership categories according to the Dues Schedule contained in Appendix I.
- The Board will annually evaluate membership dues and revise as necessary. The members will be notified in spring of any change in dues prior to implementation in the following fall.
- Any dues increase greater than 20% of the annual dues will be presented to the full membership for discussion and approval prior to implementation.
- Officers will consist of a President, President-Elect, Past-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Policy and Legislation Chair and Membership Chair. The President is elected for a term of three years (one year as President-Elect, one as President, and one as Past-President). The Treasurer and Policy and Legislative Chair are elected in even numbered years and the Secretary and Membership Chair are elected in odd numbered years, all for two-year terms. A management company will be employed to assist in the administrative activities of CACN and a representative of the management company will be invited to attend meetings of the Board to foster optimal communication.
- Officers represent CACN as an Association. As such, they are expected to be knowledgeable regarding CACN’s mission and goals and to make decisions based on the Association’s best interests versus speaking or voting to promote an individual school or system.
- Except for the President, whose term of office is established above, other officers may serve two consecutive terms (maximum four continuous years) in office. After an officer completes two consecutive terms, at least two years must elapse before he/she can again be elected to serve on the Board.
- Elections will take place prior to or at the Spring meeting for the next terms of office. Voting will be conducted by electronically submitted, web-based, or secret ballot and the results, if available, will be announced to the membership before the closure of the Spring meeting.
- Newly elected officers will take office on June 1 st
of the year in which they were elected.
- If a vacancy occurs, a new officer may be elected by mail ballot, electronic voting, or at the next regular election as determined by the Board. Election results will be sent to the chair of the Nominating Committee who will then notify the members of the results of the vote. When a vacancy occurs during the elected term, the officer that is elected will complete the current term of that office.
- Conduct the general affairs of the Association between its business meetings.
- Hold fiduciary responsibility of the Association and act in the best interest of the CACN.
- Develop policy and establish position statements on behalf of the Association.
- Establish rules and procedures for the Board and the Association.
- Approve an annual budget.
- Approve or disapprove reports, resolutions, or actions of officers and committees.
- Oversee programming and meetings.
- Approve contracts as needed for the selected management company.
- Educate and empower members related to legislative and other issues relevant to nursing education in the State of California.
- Issue policy briefs and submit letters to appropriate entities relating to issues impacting the Association.
- Call meetings, determine meeting places and prepare agendas.
- Preside over meetings.
- Appoint Ad Hoc Committees, as necessary, to accomplish the purposes of the Association.
- Oversee periodic review of the Bylaws.
- Serve ex-officio on all committees.
- Keep informed of legislation and other pertinent issues affecting nursing and communicate these to the membership.
- Represent the membership at appropriate meetings with the authority to act in the name of the organization.
- Assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President.
- Perform such other functions in the interest of the Association as may be assigned by the President.
- Prepare to assume the duties of the President in the upcoming year to assure orderly transition.
- Serve as Co-Chair of the Program Committee and solicit other Association members to serve on the Committee as appropriate.
- Support the President and the President-elect in their roles.
- Mentor new board members.
- Provide continuity in the legislative and advocacy work of the Association.
- Serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee and solicit other Association members to serve on the Committee as appropriate.
- Work in collaboration with the management company in providing oversight of CACN finances and the collection of dues.
- Establish/recommend systems, policies, and guidelines to ensure adequacy of fiduciary management by staff and the Board.
- Oversee the bookkeeping maintained by the management company.
- Assure that all taxes are filed in a timely manner.
- Ensure annual financial review in preparation for financial report and auditor's reports.
- Oversee the preparation of an annual budget and a three-year projected budget plan.
- Submit the proposed annual budget to the board for approval.
- Alert the Board when there are significant variances from the budget plan.
- Assure that all requirements and regulations associated with maintaining the Association’s 501(c)(3) status are adequately addressed in collaboration with the management company.
- Record minutes of Board and membership meetings and post to the CACN website.
- Assure that the management company maintains an accurate, up-to-date membership list for mailings to members.
- Coordinate and/or perform mailings to members.
- Arrange meeting time and place and notify membership of same.
- Share correspondence responsibilities with the President as needed.
- Chair all efforts associated with membership benefits including educational offerings, member services and member engagement.
- Design programs, educational offerings and an array of member benefits for members at all levels.
- Function as Program Committee Co-Chair.
- Conduct ongoing reviews of and update the CACN website.
- Keep abreast of issues, challenges and future directions for nursing education in California and nationwide.
- Monitor planned and in-process changes in California Board of Nursing rules, regulations and policies
- Participate in the drafting of legislation pertinent to nursing education in California
- Draft issue papers and informational materials to keep members up to date on planned and pending legislation in California
- Design and promulgate “Call to Action” requests for members to actively engage in influencing State and national legislation and policy development
- Meetings: Will be held at least twice a year in the Spring and Fall in a geographic location or through tele-conferencing as determined by the Board.
- Full membership and other special meetings may be called as necessary at the determination of the Board.
- For agenda items requiring a vote, all voting will occur electronically.
- Voting:
- Ballots will be electronically distributed to all official voting members for issues requiring a vote.
- A voting period will be identified.
- A measure passes if a simple majority of those voting on the issue vote yea.
- There shall be two kinds of committees: Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees.
- Standing Committees shall be the Committee of the Board (Board), Nominating Committee, Membership Committee, Program Committee and Policy and Legislative Committee.
- The Committee of the Board shall be composed of the President, President-Elect, Past-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chair and Policy and Legislative Chair. The President will chair the Committee of the Board which is charged with conducting the business of the Association.
- The Nominating Committee shall consist of four members selected by the Past President and, whenever possible, Nominating Committee members will reflect the geographic and programmatic distribution of the membership. The Nominating Committee will prepare a slate of Officers that, whenever possible, is diverse, represents the geographic and programmatic distribution of the membership and types of member schools (e.g., public, private, large, small, etc.)
- The Program Committee, co-chaired by the President-Elect and Membership Chair shall include four additional members selected and appointed by the President-Elect. The term of service for appointed Program Committee members shall be two years, with two appointed members selected in odd numbered years and two appointed members in even numbered years to provide consistency.
- The Membership Committee is chaired by the Membership Chair who will appoint four additional members. The term of service for appointed Membership Committee members shall be two years, with two appointed members selected in odd numbered years and two appointed members in even numbered years to provide consistency.
- The Policy and Legislative Committee is chaired by the Policy and Legislative Chair who will appoint four additional members. The term of service for appointed Policy and Legislative Committee members shall be two years, with two appointed members selected in odd numbered years and two appointed members in even numbered years to provide consistency.
- Ad Hoc Committees may be appointed as necessary by the President and/or upon recommendation by the membership. Ad Hoc committees may elect their own Chairs.
- Committees will serve in an advisory capacity to the Board and will not determine policy.
- All committees will take their own minutes and upload them to the Association’s office Dropbox. Committee activities will be reported to the Board by their Chairs at each Board Meeting.
- The bylaws will be reviewed at least every four years.
- The bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of those voting at full membership meetings or those voting by electronic ballot between meetings.
- Proposed bylaws changes must be distributed to all members at least one month before the vote.
- Bylaws become effective immediately upon adoption/approval.
- Proceedings of the organization shall be conducted according to the Rules stipulated in the most recent edition of Roberts Rules of Order, unless otherwise provided for in these Bylaws.
- Institutional members may request that portions of meetings be held in closed session.
- Closed sessions may be requested on an agenda item in advance of a meeting and approved by the President or approved by a majority vote of the regular members in attendance at the meeting.
- Only Institutional Members with voting privileges may attend closed sessions.
Bylaws Originally Adopted-November 4, 1971
Amended 4/3/76, 3/30/84, 4/4/86, 4/2/93, 4/23/98, 4/24/2003, 4/30/04, 10/5/06, 4/15/09, 3/6/13, 4/24/15, 7/15/16, 4/3/20, 4/28/22, 4/4/2023
Significantly revised 5/5/2023
Approved 4/19/13, 4/4/14, 10/02/15, 7/15/16, 3/12/18, 4/3/20, 4/28/22, 5/5/2023
Appendix I—Dues—Effective (5/5/2023)
Institutional Membership (Full Membership)
Affiliate Members
Adjunct Members