CACN is the Voice of California Baccalaureate and Graduate Nursing Education
Institutional Membership is offered to California colleges/schools of nursing providing baccalaureate or higher degrees who are institutionally accredited and who hold professional nursing accreditation (e.g., CCNE, CNEA, ACEN). The official Institutional member with voting privileges and formally representing the nursing program is the Dean/Director. Each college/school has only one vote. The Dean/Director may delegate voting or representative privileges to an Associate or Assistant Dean/Director when necessary.
By virtue of formally being employed and paid by a California college/school of nursing, all faculty and nurses in administrative positions are considered as Institutional Members and will enjoy the benefits of full institutional membership (except for voting). Each year (or sooner if necessary) all colleges/schools will be asked to verify the employment of their faculty and administrative staff who are nurses that have applied for institutional membership.
Regular Institutional Membership Dues: $1,000 annually
Affiliate members are Deans/Directors of nursing programs:
Affiliate Membership Dues: $750 annually
Adjunct Membership is offered to designees of nursing and/or healthcare groups, associations or entities that directly impact the work of the Association or who collaborate with the Association on key issues. Such entities include but are not limited to the: American Nurses' Association\California, California Organization of Associate Degree Nursing Programs, Chancellors’ office representatives of the University of California or California State University systems, the Board of Registered Nursing and any other organizational entity approved by Board of Directors (Board).
Adjunct Membership Dues: $750 annually
Click Here to complete an interest form to become a CACN School or to be added as a user to an already existing CACN School.
Please Note: This link will take you to a form on the Association of California Nurse Leaders website where CACN member data is stored.